Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – Local Offer
1. How does the Pound Hill Pre-School know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs or disabilities? At Pound Hill Pre-School we treat every child as an individual. Your child will be allocated a key person who will be responsible for your child’s development. Through the use of observations and planning for their next steps we are able to identify any concerns which we will share with you, and with consent we will contact other professionals if required. If you have any concerns about your child you should speak with your child’s key person who will be able to advise you further.
2. How will Early Year's staff support my child? Your child’s key person will work with both you and your child. This relationship will ensure that we share knowledge concerning your child and their development. This knowledge begins with the ‘Welcome Pack’ and ‘All about Me’ section from the learning Journals and continues with regular meetings relating to their next steps. Through continual observations we can plan for your child including assessing additional support from other professionals as appropriate. With your permission, we will contact the Target Setting Support (TTS) if required either for advice or to make a referral with any concerns we will implement strategies and advice offered as appropriate.
3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs? Every child is viewed as ‘unique’ therefore we plan for your child’s development based on observations of your child and evidence gained for their Learning Journal. The environment your child plays in will be appropriate for their needs and additional support or resources will be supplied as appropriate.
4. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning? A strong relationship between the setting and Parents is important to the Pre-School. You have access to view your online child’s Learning Journal and your child’s key person will meet with you regularly to discuss your child’s development and next steps. We are always available to discuss any concerns you have regarding your child’s learning.
5. What support will there be for my child’s overall well being? We offer ‘settling in’ sessions which will familiarise your child with the Pre-School and also enable support for your child to be discussed before they commence at Pre-School. Care routines will be discussed prior to starting at the Pre-School, including nappy changing. We are able to administer prescribed medicines once the appropriate form has been completed. If additional training is required to administer medicine we will undertake this as necessary but on this occasion your child will not be able to start preschool until this training has been completed... Promoting positive behaviour is important to the setting. Our motto is ‘Caring and Sharing’ and we utilise a range of techniques to ensure this is met. We will always discuss any behaviour concerns with you in order to maintain a consistent approach between home and the setting. The safety of your child is paramount. Parents are requested to sign their children in and out with details of who is due to collect them each session. We will not allow any child off the premises if the person collecting them is not known to the setting. We regularly undertake and review risk assessments on our equipment from both a 2 year olds and 3 year old perspective. Risk assessments are completed before any trip including short walks around the local community.
6. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Pound Hill Pre-School? We work with all professionals as required for each child and always encourage these persons to come and visit the relevant children in the Setting. If required we will contact and work with TSS. We will obtain parental consent before contact with TSS. If speech and language concerns are identified by the setting, we will advise the parents to take their child to the Speech and Language drop in sessions at the Family Centres or make a direct referral to Speech and Language with parental consent and according to which is most appropriate. We work with Speech and Language therapists and the reports they provide to support the children in their language development.
7. What training are the staff supporting children with SEND, had or having? The staff continually receive and refreshes their training. All staff are qualified within Early Years or are currently studying for qualifications. Staff have attended; promoting positive behaviour, English as additional language; let’s get talking and Inco network meetings. We continually reflect upon our practice and will attend training when a particular need is identified.
8. How will my child be included in activities outside Pound Hill Pre-School including Trips? All children are welcome to attend trips. Parents are notified before trips in order to identify any particular needs. Risk assessments are completed. Volunteers to assist on the trip are requested from the children’s families. On any trips all children wear high visibility Jackets, mobile phone, first aid kit and a child’s individual medicine or medical equipment, as required, is always taken.
9. How accessible is Pound Hill Pre-School? We will work closely with all parents to access any specialist equipment that may be required. The main hall is fully accessible to a Wheel chair. There is one step to the garden from the main hall however once outside the garden area is flat. The hall has a disabled toilet. Visual timetables are used to assist children with the daily routine and Language books are shared with setting and families of children with English as Additional Language to aide communication.
10. How will Pound Hill Pre-School prepare and support my child to join the pre-school or transfer to a new setting or school? Before your child joins the Pre-School we encourage you to visit the setting several times so that you can both become acquainted with the Environment. We have a Settling session before the start of the new School year for all new children and families to meet each other. We work closely with each family to develop a settling routine to match your child’s needs. If a child attends more than another setting or is moving to a different setting we share the child’s ‘next steps’ with that setting. We liaise with local schools to arrange visits of both the children to the schools and the Teachers to visit the children at the Pre-School to aid the transition up to new Schools. TTS will support with transition to school for any child they have been involved with at the Pre-School.
11. How are Pound Hill Pre-Schools resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs? We are a registered charity with limited funds, however we are able to apply for ‘inclusion’ funding from West Sussex County Council to support individual children as required. We would also ensure Staff attend any specific training necessary. The Pre-School is a member of the Family Centre’s Toy Library and where we borrow resources to support our children.
12. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive? The Manager and Senco will work closely with you and other professionals to determine your child’s needs. We have regular Team meetings to involve all Practitioners in any support required. In addition the Key Person will be able to identify any additional support through the observation procedure required by the Early Years Foundation Stage and Play Plans or Individual Educational Plans will be made as necessary.
13. How are parents involved at Pound Hill Pre-School? How can I be involved? We are a Committee run Pre-School therefore every parent is automatically a member of the Committee and welcome to attend termly meetings. Strong relationships with parents is important the Pre-School. We operate an open door policy and share a home school diary with every child that is written in daily and newsletters are available every half term. Once a month we offer a Stay and Play session for parents to share the pre-school experience with their child, but parents can also volunteer to be a parent helper for a session. 14. Who can I contact for further information? More detailed information is available in our policies, specifically; Promoting positive behaviour, Inclusion, Administrations of Medication, Supporting children with Additional needs and working in partnership with other agencies. Please contact us to be sent our policies. To register your child at the Pre-School you need to contact us on [email protected] or telephone 07765245933. If you would like to discuss your child prior to starting at the Pre-School please contact either the Manager or SENCO on 07765245933. Once your child has started at Pound Hill Pre-School they we be allocated a Key Person to support them and you will be able to discuss any concerns or progress with them as well as the Manager or SENCO at any time.